Sunday, May 10, 2020

A Personal Philosophy of Education - 625 Words

A personal philosophy of education serves to unify the experience of teaching for the individual. It provides our students with a professional that understands the context of learning from which their classroom stems. It also ensures a personal sense of growth: a lifelong process valued by the profession as a whole. I have combined beliefs from pedagogical, ethical and personally developed ideas I intend to use as a foundation in creating a nurturing classroom environment. Education could be defined ad infinitum, but for the purposes of synchronicity I have organized my beliefs in terms of four elements: enculturation, potential, inspiration and development. The meeting point of these ideas is the philosophical ideology of existentialist education. As defined by Dr. V.K. Maheshwari (2011), the origin of existentialism: â€Å"rejects the existence of any source of objective, authoritative truth about metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Instead, individuals are responsible f or determining for themselves what is â€Å"true† or â€Å"false,† â€Å"right† or â€Å"wrong,† â€Å"beautiful† or â€Å"ugly.† For the existentialist, there exists no universal form of human nature; each of us has the free will to develop as we see fit.† The focus is entirely student centered, whereas the teacher serves as a guide seeking to educate the whole person. The goal of such a classroom is to develop a thoughtful, creative, self-actualizing adult capable of rational thought, effective communication and independentShow MoreRelatedA Personal Philosophy Of Education Essay1164 Words   |  5 PagesA Personal Philosophy of Education Introduction â€Å"Being reflective involves thinking about what one is doing, and why, before, during, and after the act of doing it (Sweitzer, 2003 p.264). I believe self-knowledge of the professor is critical for meaningful learning to occur. 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