Saturday, November 30, 2019

World War I an Example by

World War I World War I an Example by World War I World War One was said to be a war that would end all future wars. However, with World War 2 following afterwards, obviously man was mistaken. In fact, many historians believe that the seeds for World War 3 have already been sown as well. With a spark anywhere in the Middle East, Chinese-Taiwan sea border or the Korean peninsula, World War 3 could be a very realistic possibility. World Wars are best defined as conflicts that span over 2 continents. Historians believe that a war can be classified as a World War if it meets the first requirement, and has the involvement of 20 or more countries. The use of alliances, conscription and massive resource allocation towards war are some of the other conditions needed. Need essay sample on "World War I" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed World War 1 was one such war. The war was fought mainly on the European, Asian, and African continents. The conflict that left 15 million people killed in the aftermath all began with a single spark; the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, on 28th June, 1914. With the Austro-Hungarian Empire deeply aggrieved by the circumstance, their leaders put difficult treaty conditions on the Serbian state. Though the Serbian State accepted most, rejecting some minor clauses, the Austro-Hungarian Empire attacked (Gilbert, 2004). With the tangle of diplomatic treaties already in place across Europe, nations who were least involved in the initial start became leaders of war campaigns. Nations dragged into the war included; Great Britain, USA, Italy, Germany, Russia, France, Japan, Austro-Hungary and Serbia. Though there were many causes identified which resulted in the First World War, the main were as follows: The formations of alliances: The system of secret alliances had long been established since the end of the Franco-Prussian War. Sides had been chosen, alliances formed and stockpiling of weapons was already underway even before the assassination of the Prince of Austro-Hungarian Empire took place. These alliances were the entanglements that resulted in the involvement of so many countries into war. Because the continent had been split so vividly across two sides, each having their own agreements related to defense, aggression and mutual co-operation, it was inevitable all of Europe would be at war because of two countries (Gilbert, 2004). Many countries tried avoiding the war by keeping a neutral stance but could not in the long term due to their alliance obligations. Colonization: During that era in time, nations were busy acquiring colonies. European countries were massively competing against each other in trying to acquire the most resources possible. Areas such as Africa and China often became a source of discontent when territorial boundaries could not be sustained or controlled (Gilbert, 2004). This was also a reason for the present hostilities during that time. Militarism: with the pressure on national economies to support larger armies and new technology related to war equipment, the armies of various nations were given more and more power. Because of this, civilian administration began to decline and more authority rested with military officers. Already trigger happy, these nations had developed national plans relating to security and mobilization issues well before the war had started, as if anticipating it in advance. To ensure their countrys dominance, espionage was often used to unfold other nations plans. This created great animosity amongst major military players in the region which unfolded in the battlefield of world war one (Gilbert, 2004). Nationalism: Politicians, military leadership and people alike started enforcing upon the public a sense of nationalism. This strong feeling generated a patriotic tune amongst the masses for their country stirring hatred amongst ethnic groups, countries and often their own minorities. War speeches touched upon these aspects and further brain washed the innocent public. More and more recruits poured in to protect the mother land and in doing so automatic conscription took place. (Gilbert, 2004) The war claimed an end to four great empires of the European continent; German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian and Ottoman. The Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires do not exist anymore and have been divided into several smaller states. The war created massive devastation across Europe and other continents. The war that lasted, from 1914-1918, realized a terrible end to many nations. Germany, Austria-Hungary, France lost 15.1%, 17.1% and 10.5% of their active male populations because of the war, respectively (Keegan, 2000). Germany was forced to claim responsibility for the war and made to sign the Treat of Versailles. At the same time, all her colonies were snatched and she was made to make enormous war reparations, along with territory, to the victors (Keegan, 2000). Russia lost many of its western territories while the Austro-Hungarian Empire was broken along ethnic lines. The Ottoman Empires territories were seized and awarded amongst victor nations In the end, out of the 70 million recruited soldiers that were mobilized in Europe, 15 million died (Gilbert, 2004). Civilian causalities have yet to be assessed accurately but are sure to match the figures above. References: Gilbert, M. (2004). The First World War, Second Edition: A Complete History. : Holt. Keegan, J. (2000). The First World War. : Vintage.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Why Animal Rights Activist Are Against the AKC

Why Animal Rights Activist Are Against the AKC The Purina Dog Food Company lists two major dog shows on their website: The Westminster Dog Show and The National Dog Show. In addition to these shows, The American Kennel Club, the AKC, also lists conformation events under their supervision. These shows are about finding a member of each pure breed who conforms to the AKC standard of what they consider the perfect specimen of a breed. Animal rights activists don’t discriminate against the animals they seek to protect.  Their clarion call has always been that they don’t only fight for the rights of the cute and fluffy, but any animal of any species because they believe all animals have a right to exist unimpaired and unencumbered by humans. So why then, would animal rights activists target the AKC? This organization appears to care deeply for the welfare of dogs. For one, the AKC issues â€Å"papers† on any purebred dog, which is a big problem for animal rights activists seeking to stop the sale of puppies from puppy mills. When the retailer shrieks about how their puppies are all â€Å"AKC Purebreds† it makes it difficult to convince consumers that any puppy, no matter where s/he was born, will get an AKC pedigree. That doesnt make the puppy any healthier or more desirable, especially if the puppy is purchased at a pet store. What is a Dog Show? Dog shows are organized around the world by various clubs. In the United States, the most prestigious dog shows are organized by the American Kennel Club. At an AKC dog show, dogs are judged by a set of criteria called  a standard  that is unique to each recognized breed. A dog can be disqualified completely for certain deviations from the standard. For example, the standard for an Afghan Hound includes a height requirement of â€Å"27 inches, plus or minus one inch; bitches, 25 inches, plus or minus one inch, and a weight requirement of â€Å"About 60 pounds; bitches, about 50 pounds. There are also precise requirements for their gait, coat, and the size and shape of the head, tail, and body. As for temperament, an Afghan Hound found with â€Å"sharpness or shyness† is faulted and loses points because they should be â€Å"aloof and dignified, yet gay.† The dog does not even have the liberty to choose his own personality. Some standards even require certain breeds to be mutilated in order to compete. Their tails must be docked and their ear carriage surgically reconstructed. Ribbons, trophies, and points are awarded to the dogs who most closely match the standard for their breed. As dogs  accumulate  points, they can attain champion status and qualify for higher level shows, culminating in the annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Only purebred, intact (not spayed or neutered) dogs are allowed to compete. The purpose of these points and shows is to ensure that only the finest specimens of the breeds be allowed to procreate, thereby bettering the breed with each new generation.   The Breeding Problem The most obvious problem with dog shows is that they encourage breeding, both directly and indirectly. As explained on the American Kennel Clubs  website, Spayed or neutered dogs are not eligible to compete in conformation classes at a dog show, because the purpose of a dog show is to evaluate breeding stock. The shows create a culture based on breeding, showing and selling dogs, in the pursuit of a champion. With  three to four million  cats and dogs killed in shelters every year, the last thing we need is more breeding. The more reputable or responsible breeders will take back any dog the purchaser does not want, at any time during the dogs life, and some argue that they do not contribute to overpopulation because all of their dogs are wanted. To animal rights activists, a responsible breeder is a contradiction because anyone breeding is not responsible enough to help keep the population in check and is, in fact, responsible for the births and deaths of unwanted dogs. If  fewer people bred their dogs, there would be fewer dogs for sale and more people would adopt from shelters. Breeders also create a demand for the dogs and their breed through advertising and by simply by putting them on the market. Furthermore, not everyone who wants to surrender a purebred dog will return to the breeder. Approximately  25 percent of shelter dogs are purebred. The AKC website listing breed rescue groups  is not about adopting or rescuing a dog, but about information about the purebred rescue. Nothing on the page promotes adopting or rescuing dogs. Instead of encouraging adoption and rescue, their page on rescue groups tries to redirect the public to their breeder search page, breeder referral page, and online breeder classifieds. Every dog purchased from a breeder or pet store is a vote for more breeding and a death sentence for a dog in a shelter. While dog show participants care about the welfare of their dogs, they seem to care little about the millions of dogs who are not theirs. As one AKC judge stated, â€Å"If it’s not a purebred dog, it’s a mutt, and mutts are worthless.† Purebred Dogs Animal rights activists object to promoting purebred dogs, not only  because it encourages breeding and inbreeding, but also because it implies these dogs are more desirable than others. Without dog shows, there would be less of a demand for dogs who have a certain pedigree or conform to an artificial set of physical specifications that are considered ideal for each breed. As breeders strive to meet the standard for their breed, inbreeding is common and expected. Breeders know that if a certain desirable trait runs through a bloodline, breeding two blood relatives who have that trait will bring out that trait. However, inbreeding also amplifies other traits, including health problems. One study suggests that mutts are considered the healthiest of all. Purebreds, however,  are known to have  health issues, either due to inbreeding or due to the very standards of the breed. Brachycephalic breeds such as bulldogs cannot mate or give birth naturally because of breathing issues. Female bulldogs must be artificially inseminated and give birth via C-section. Flat-Coated Retrievers are prone to cancer, and half of all Cavalier King Charles Spaniels suffer from mitral valve disease. Because of their breed standards and the need to categorize dogs into different breeds and groups, dog shows give the impression that purebred dogs are more desirable than mixed-breed dogs. Even the word pure in purebred implies something disturbing, and some activists have equated breed standards with racism and  eugenics  in humans. Animal rights activists believe that every dog, no matter their breed or health issues, should be valued and cared for. No animal is worthless. All animals have worth. This article was updated and re-written in part by Animal Rights Expert, Michelle A. Rivera.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Manage and Identify the Boxelder Tree

How to Manage and Identify the Boxelder Tree Boxelder, also known as ash-leaved maple is one of the most common and adaptable urban trees in North America though  it also may be the trashiest from a visual perspective. Planting it next to your house is probably not a good idea. The best thing about the tree is that it is comfortable on poor sites where more desirable trees cannot maintain adequate health for long life. It is very commonly seen in the treeless plains and western United States as a street tree. You can use the tree for quick growth but plan to interplant with more desirable trees to provide for a lasting tree canopy. Boxelder can be a treasure on adverse tree sites. Boxelder Specifics The scientific name of boxelder is Acer negundo (AY-ser nuh-GUHN-doe). Common names include ashleaf maple, Manitoba maple, and poison ivy tree and the tree is a member of the plant family Aceraceae. Although considered by many a maple outcast, it is indeed in the maple family and the only native maple with more than one single blade or leaflet on a single leaf stalk. Boxelder grows in USDA hardiness zones 3 through 8 and is native to North America. The tree is sometimes crafted into a bonsai specimen but often used as a screen/ windbreak and for land reclamation. It grows rapidly, can become very large and needs a lot of space. Boxelder is still a very common tree to see in a yard or park west of the Mississippi River.​ Boxelder Cultivars There are several attractive cultivars of boxelder including Aureo-Variegata, Flamingo and Auratum. The cultivar Acer negundo Aureo-Variegata is noted for its leaves bordered in gold. Acer negundo Flamingo has variegated leaves with pink margins and is somewhat available at local nurseries. Acer negundo Auratum has abundant gold leaves but is a little harder to find. You must remember that even though these cultivars are ornamental, they still share the original boxelder tree’s undesirable characteristics that include unattractive female fruit and breakage that increase the chances of the trees early removal due to quick growth. Problems With Boxelder Boxelder is a rather unattractive tree where limbs break with a vengeance   a landscape maintenance nightmare. The fruit droops in clusters which some describe as looking like dirty brown socks which adds to the overall trashy look of the tree. The boxelder bug makes things even worse. Robert Schafer / Getty Images Boxelder bug or Leptocoris trivittatus loves the boxelder tree. This half-inch red-striped insect is a true pest during winter where the adult multiplies and invades homes near where boxelder trees grow. It is one of the most common household pests in the United States. The bug emits a foul odor, stains fabric and can cause asthmatic reactions. It does no harm to the tree. Boxelder Description A boxelder in the landscape grows to a height of 25 to 50 feet, depending on tree variety and site conditions. One of the tallest ever measured had a recorded height of 110 feet. The trees crown spread is 25 to 45 feet and the crown is typically broad and ragged or disheveled. The tree often has multiple furrowed trunks or very squat single trunks. Flowers are without petals, dioecious and yellowish-green and the female tassels are very conspicuous. The very maple-looking seeds, called samaras hang in long, profuse clusters and stay on the tree throughout winter. Nearly every seed is viable and will cover up a disturbed area with seedlings   a very prolific seeder is boxelder. Boxelder Leaf Botanics Leaf arrangement: opposite/suboppositeLeaf type: odd pinnately compoundLeaflet margin: lobed; serrateLeaflet shape: lanceolate; ovateLeaflet venation: pinnate; reticulateLeaf type and persistence: deciduousLeaflet blade length: 2 to 4 inchesLeaf color: greenFall color: orange; yellowFall characteristic: showy Pruning Boxelder You will have to prune this tree regularly.  Boxelder branches droop as the tree grows and will require pruning if you have consistent walking and vehicular traffic under the canopy. The tree form is not particularly showy and should be grown with one single trunk to maturity. The tree is susceptible to breakage and can occur either at the crotch due to poor collar formation, or where the wood itself is weak and tends to break. Superior Western Boxelders There are also good qualities of boxelders in western North America. It seems that the tree takes on positive characteristics in the west that is not seen in trees in the eastern half of North America. California interior boxelder takes on yellow and red colors in autumn that rival eastern maple. Its drought tolerance makes the tree a welcome plant in that dry country landscape and very easy on limited water resources.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Accident Victim Interview Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Accident Victim Interview Report - Essay Example The victim was engrossed in his job and since he was wearing ear buds to protect him with too much noise he didn’t notice the chaos. He was unfortunately caught by the fireball after the explosion and sustained burn injuries. The quick action of his fellow co-workers and immediate first aid given to him saved his life. The Chemical Safety Board investigated the cause of accident and reported that a contractor had accidently switched a carbon steel pipe elbow with a low alloy steel pipe elbow during the maintainance work. This caused rupture in the pipe leading to leading to a failure mode called High- Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA) causing fireball. The CBS found that it was not solely the mistake of the contractor, the company had not informed that the elbows were different and the maiintainance contractor had not used any method like tagging to re-install the elbows in their position. The victim was immediately rushed to the nearby hospital where he was immediately diagnosed and admitted for treatment. Doctors reported 20 percent first degree minor skin burns on covering his upper part of the body. He stayed in the hospital for about a week and missed work for another week before recovery. Some burn marks he still sustains on his body, however he is completely fit for work and thanks God for giving him a second life. The company took responsibility to bear the cost of his treatment and the labour union also demanded descent compensation for him till he recovered and joined work again. His company has witnessed two more accident cases prior to this one and they were fatal accidents leading to severe loss of capital and labour. This accident was followed by OSHA visit to issue safety guidelines and check the safety standards in the refinery. Following this accident the CBS recommended that industry should have its own committee to monitor the safety standards, hazard identification and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Globalization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Globalization - Research Paper Example A leader should be able to adopt changes that suit different markets and countries in order to attain organizational missions. In this regard, some leaders do not know how to change strategies due to inexperience and lack of exposure (Walker, Walker & Schmitz, 2003). The other leadership challenge in a global world is international politics that shape the external factors of an organization. These comprise of the legal and political aspects that influence operations of firms in international economies (Walker, Walker & Schmitz, 2003). Developing a global mindset in the general perspective entails the use of a strategy that can suit different markets and organizations. For instance, adopting a strategy that incorporates all cultures and suits the market demands (Bikson, et al, 2003). The global mindset in an organizational life can be developed by having an organizational culture that describes the values and procedures. The work style global mindset is developed through directing workers to provide unique and quality services that differentiate the company (Bikson, et al, 2003). The view of change concept is the approach given to operations in international markets by being flexible to emerging trends. The learning concept can be developed in global mindset by developing employees to improve their skills and

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Subject Matter of Experiments Essay Example for Free

The Subject Matter of Experiments Essay A well-designed experiment tells us that changes in the explanatory variable cause changes in the response variable. More exactly, it tells us that this happened for specific subjects in the specific environment of this specific experiment. No doubt we had grander things in mind. We want to proclaim that our new method of teaching math does better for high school students in general or that our new drug beats a placebo for some broad class of patients. Can we generalize our conclusions from our little group of subjects to a wider population? The first step is to be sure that our findings are statistically significant, that they are too strong to often occur just by chance. That’s important, but it’s a technical detail that the study’s statistician can reassure us about. The serious threat is that the treatments, the subjects, or the environment of our experiment may not be realistic. For example, a psychologist wants to study the effects of failure and frustration on the relationships among members of a work team. She forms a team of students, brings them to the psychology laboratory, and has them play a game that requires teamwork. The game is rigged so that they lose regularly. The psychologist observes the students through a one-way window and notes the changes in their behavior during an evening of game playing. Playing a game in a laboratory for small stakes, knowing that the session will soon be over, is a long way from working for months developing a new product that never works right and is finally abandoned by your company. Does the behavior of the students in the lab tell us much about the behavior of the team whose product failed? Psychologists do their best to devise realistic experiments for studying human behavior, but lack of realism limits the usefulness of experiments in this area. When experiments are not fully realistic, statistical analysis of the experimental data cannot tell us how far the results will generalize. Experimenters generalizing from students in a lab to workers in the real world must argue based on their understanding of how people function, not based just on the data. It is even harder to generalize from rats in a lab to people in the real world. This is one reason why a single experiment is rarely completely convincing, despite the compelling logic of experimental design. The true scope of a new finding must usually be explored by a number of experiments in various settings. A convincing case that an experiment is sufficiently realistic to produce useful information is based not on statistics but on the experimenter’s knowledge of the subject matter of the experiment. The attention to detail required avoiding hidden bias also rests on subject matter knowledge. Good experiments combine statistical principles with understanding of a specific field of study.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Music Piracy Essay examples -- mp3 music

Music Piracy: From the Pirates Perspective I don't wear a black patch over my eye. I don't have any missing limbs, replaced by a hook or a wooden leg that clicks when I walk. I have never owned a parrot; I don't have a cool name like Black Beard or Calico Jack; I don't even have a big, black hat. Though I lack all the defining characteristics, I am a pirate. My ship is a laptop computer and my booty is not measured by dollars and cents, but by precious kilobytes. With the aide of my spy glass, the KaZaa Media Desktop, I discern my next target. Wielding my trusty mouse, I make a few clicks, issue commands, board ship, and hijack the music recording industry, claiming yet another copyrighted song as my own. My zealous desire for music began in the early nineties. I got a little CD player when I was ten, but I didn't realize its true potential until a year later, in '92, when I purchased Nirvana’s Nevermind. Even though I was too young to understand lyrics like, â€Å"travel through a tube and end up in your infection,† I was forever changed by the power chords and distortion. Enlightened, I embarked on a journey to claim more of this newfound music for myself. Scratching together loose change, along with my meager allowance, I sought out CDs by Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Stone Temple Pilots, giving up everything I saved for these musical gems. As I grew older, my CD collection expanded along with my musical taste. My CD cases grew in capacity, from 12, to 36, to 75, finally reaching 200. By the time I graduated high school, I had amassed well over 300 CDs, ranging from classic rock to bluegrass to rap. At an average price of $15 apiece, that is over $4,500; more money than I spent on my last car. This collection devoured a majo... forced to pay for the 13 other unlistenable tracks? Some bands are acknowledging this problem by making their songs available on their websites and releasing enhanced CDs with video clips and interactive elements. The recording industry is finally lowering CD prices after years of declining sales, but they are not addressing new technology. By providing legal means of music downloading, the industry could profit from website advertising and from the exposure their artists would receive; not to mention the money they would save in production costs. But they can't expect to attract consumers while they are suing their target audience. The recording industry needs to rethink its methods and many artists need to reconsider their attitudes concerning their music and their fans. Until then, like many others, I will continue to sail the wide open seas of music piracy.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Capstone Essay

When we talk about different types of sentencing the most coming types are indeterminate and determinate. They both serve the same function but have different out comes. They are both build to serve as punishments but to also rehabilitate at the same time. The main difference between these two sentences is the fact that indeterminate sentences offer early release in the form of parole and determinate sentences do not. Indeterminate sentences are defined as a sentence that permits early release from a correctional institution after the offender has served a required minimum portion of his or her sentence (Siegel, 01/2013, p. 40). And determinate sentences are defined as sentences that give the defendant a fixed term of years, the maximum set in law by the legislature, which is to be served by the offender sentenced to prison for a particular crime (Siegel, 01/2013, p. 41). Each type of sentencing has its own strengths and weakness’. Each of which helps the judge determine which type of sentencing would be best for each situation, for not all situations should be punished equally. The biggest advantage to indeterminate sentencing is that indeterminate sentencing permits flexibility both in the type of sentences that are imposed and the length of time to be served (Siegel, 01/2003, p. 40). Some more advantages include early release from jail/prison on ground of good behavior, causing there to be less people in the facilities thus helping with the overcrowding issue, rehabilitating, and different people respond very differently to punishments (Portman). A disadvantage to indeterminate sentencing is that it may not deter individuals from committing crimes. If a criminal is only charged 1-5 years for a drug related crime, and get outs after only one year due to good behavior, they may feel that what they did was worth the time given and do it again because a year isn’t that long. If this were the case, indeterminate sentences could make the crime rates go back up because the criminals would not see a short sentences as a deterrent. Determinate sentences also have their advantages and disadvantages. Determinate sentencing can scare criminals into no longer committing crimes due to the length of the sentences and not being able to be released on good behavior. When serving a determinate sentence it is a general rule to serve at least 85% of the original sentence and if someone received good credits they may be released early (â€Å"Sentencing statutes and,† 2013), but not a substantial amount of time early. Because of this factor, determinate sentencing can reduce crime rates. If a criminal is sentenced to 25 years under determinate sentencing they must serve 25 years, unless they receive good credits, but still must serve at least 85% of the original sentence. It has already been stated that different people respond to different sentences differently. With this in mind, it is important to determine which type of sentencing, indeterminate or determinant, would be best for each type of individual. Since everyone if different there must me a reason why they are different and why different influences require different sentences. For this essay we were asked to discuss which type of sentencing we feel would be most effective at address crime from three separate criminological perspectives: trait (psychological/biological); social (structure/process); and deterrence (classical/choice). When you are dealing with psychological/biological reasons as to why and individual is a criminal you need to look into their family tree and they way they were raised. Some psychologists believe that some criminals commit crimes because that is just simply their personality. Anyone can become a criminal and commit a crime, but you see it more often in individuals that grew up around it. Their parents were and or are criminals. Their friends are criminals. Their peers are criminals. It is hard to live up to a life better then that when it is all that you know. Sigmund Freud had a theory about personalities. He said that there are three elements of the personality, the id, ego, and superego. The id is the part of the personality that you have at birth. It is the part that makes you desire for the most basic of things. The id is driven by the pleasure principle, which strives for immediate gratification of all desires, wants, and needs. If these needs are not satisfied immediately, the result is a state anxiety or tension (Cherry, 2014). The next part of the ego that Mr. Freud discusses is the ego. The ego is the part of the moral part of the personality. The part that deems what is right and wrong within the eyes of society and yourself. If your ego is not fully developed then you will not be able to stop yourself from the impulses that come from your id. Meaning that if crime is ingrained into their minds then they will have impulses to commit crimes. If they do not fulfill these urges then the urge will build to the point where they end up committing a more serious crime then they would have in the first place. The underlying issue could be part of the reason our systems repeat offenders are repeat offenders. The sentence model that I feel would work best in addressing the psychological and biological criminological perspectives would be determinate sentencing. If an individual has the natural impulse to commit a crime and an underdeveloped ego to prevent them from committing the crime then there is no amount of time that will help them get better. There is a saying that you cannot teach old dogs new tricks. That saying goes with some criminals; there are some that you just cannot rehabilitate. So determinate sentencing would keep they away from them public and stop them from committing a crime for a longer period of time. Everyone has a stigma against people that come from the ‘ghetto’. They think that they are good for nothing poor people that cant get by so they resort to crime. And sometimes this is the case, sometimes its not. There is a reason that a stereotype is a stereotype. It has some underlying truth. It is true that some people are criminals because they really do feel that they cannot get by on a day-to-day basis with an honest job, and if they could they don’t think that they would qualify for one. So what do they do? They start to steal, sell drugs, and even sell their bodies or join a gang. But not everyone in the ‘ghetto’ is like that. Some work very hard to make a living, but it just isn’t enough to get them out of that environment. According to Shanali Inchaustegui: â€Å"When you look at the theory, the strains might not necessarily come from people’s frustrations with acquiring The American Dream, but rather a mixture in strains such as homelessness, abuse and neglect, subcultures, deviant values and frustrations about poverty. Meaning, there might be more than one factor in play when a person is â€Å"influenced† to commit a crime by interacting within an imposed economic class†. Many things within society, your social surroundings, can make someone commit a crime. People from this criminological perspective someone can recover and learn from their actions if given the opportunity. Because of this I feel that indeterminate sentencing would be best. With indeterminate sentencing someone can be released early due to good behavior. During that time the said individual would have had the opportunity to learn from their mistakes, acquire an education, and be given opportunities that will give them a new a better life. The last criminological perspective is classical/choice (deterrent). From this perspective criminals are individuals that commit a crime for no other reason then they choose to do it. They under stand the risks associated with the crime but choose to go through with it anyways. Classical and choice perspectives are very similar to one another. Choice is when individuals choose to commit a crime after looking at all the opportunities and decided if the crime is worth the punishment or not. Classic is almost identical to choice except after weighing the options they decided to commit the crime because it was advantageous to do so (Criminology, 2014). You need to be assertive when dealing with criminals that have decided to commit a crime knowing full well that it is wrong and that they have options or avenues other then committing a crime to get what they need and or want. If you are not assertive with them then they will think that its really not that big of a deal and that they will be able to get away with it time and time again. With choice and classical perspectives I feel that that determinant sentences would be the best option. It shows the criminals that the law is taking a zero tolerance stand against crime. Determinate sentences will make them think twice before they commit the crime because they will know that if they are convicted they are guaranteed a set amount of time behind bars. Both indeterminate and determinate sentences have their place in the legal system. Whether one is better then the other is hard to say. Indeterminate sentences allow for early release for good behavior where as determinate does not. Determinate sentencing, however, does allow for good credits to be applied to their sentence so they can be released early, but they must complete at least 85% of their sentence. So they both have that upside. A down side to indeterminate sentencing that two different people that commit the same crime can get two different sentences. For example one may just get a fine and community service while the other could get 5 years jail time. To me that isn’t fair, unless there is an underlining reason as to why someone getting a harsher sentence like being in trouble with the law before. Determinate sentences give the same amount of time regardless. This could also been seen as unfair because regardless of your past you are going  to get the same amount of time. I personally feel that determinate sentencing is the option that is most likely going to deter more crime. It makes the criminals know what their sentence is going to be if convicted. They ‘know’ that if they get caught, charged, and convicted they are going to have to serve that amount of time and or pay a certain amount of a fine. And with indeterminate sentences they have a chance at lesser punishment. I really think that determinate sentences would deter more crime then indeterminate sentences. References

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Catching Fire Journal Entry

February 17th I recently read a novel by Suzanne Collins titled, The Hunger Games. What I recall most about this book is the magnificent emphasis put on food. Every single meal eaten by the characters was described in such great detail that you would think the author was a former culinary student. As the name persists, food is a significant issue in this book. It’s a luxury for people living in the districts and a commodity for the capital. People from the districts often died of starvation while people who lived in the capital pushed a button to summons a three course meal.The person from a district who won the Hunger Games was guaranteed the fortune of food and money for the rest of their lives. Wow, what a prize! What I enjoyed most about reading this book was the way the author introduced and described all of the characters. I had a great picture in my mind about each and every character and I felt myself thinking about some of them even when they were absent from a page o r two. It became so interesting that before I could finish the book, I had to turn to the internet to look up the characters of the movie. I just had to see them in the flesh!My favorite character for most of the story was Katniss Everdeen, the beautiful, spirited tomboy. I could really relate to her like I could no other character in the book. I admired her for taking care of her little sister and especially her mother. I too, had to be the parent child in my household when growing up. I was not surprised at all when she took the place of her sister, the underdog, in the Hunger Games. Because I too, have lost someone close to me, I knew that hunting not only fulfilled the purpose to feed her family but that it helped her to cope with the death of her father, whose bow and arrows she cherished.My best friend during my teenage years was a guy named Brian, so it was easy for me to understand the relationship Katniss shared with her best friend Gale; the good looking guy that the other girls fawned over, but not her. She was not the kind of girl to go gaga over a guy’s good looks. It was an intimate relationship that grew from so many mutual feelings about life and their shared common interest. They complimented each other like peanut butter and jelly. I loved that they loved each other that way. Not like a brother and sister, who often squabble. Not like a husband and wife; it’s much deeper than that.Those relationships are tainted. Then she entered the Hunger Games and so did Peeta Mellark. Peeta was my second favorite character in the story. He was much softer around the edges than Katniss but he looked out for her like a man would look out for the woman he loves. Even before the Hunger Games, there was a time when he took a beating from his mother for burning some bread. The reason he burned the bread was so he could give it to Katniss who he knew was hungry and hiding in his back yard. It was that foreshadowing in the story that made me believe him later when he confessed his love for Katniss.Katniss was not sure about his love because she always thought it was a ploy for him to get further in the games, but I knew better. Due to the circumstances in the arena she almost convinced me a couple of times that he was not being true, but I held on fast. At times I wanted to yell at her for being so stubborn and at other times I admired her for not being so easy to fool. It was a roller coaster ride! Weather it was real or not, the romance they shared had me hooked. I felt like one of the spectators in the book itself! I was rooting for them to win the games so they could go home and live happily ever after.It was this relationship that has me looking forward to reading Catching Fire, the second book in the trilogy. I loved that Peeta came into the picture and shared emotional moments with Katniss. I know Katniss can take care of herself but I can’t resist wanting her to let Peeta take care of her emotionally. I know she can confide in Gale about her feelings, but it’s not the same; in their relationship they are equals. I recently saw a picture of Katniss, Gale and Peeta which almost guarantees a love triangle of some sort. I’m excited just thinking about it!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Ketchup and Baking Soda Volcano

Ketchup and Baking Soda Volcano The acetic acid in ketchup reacts with baking soda to produce an extra-special type of lava for a chemical volcano. This non-toxic volcano recipe is sure to please! Ketchup Baking Soda Volcano Materials small container (I used an empty travel-size bottle.)volcano (You can mold it from clay or use a cardboard form.)ketchupbaking sodaliquid dishwashing soap (optional)water (optional) Make the Volcano Erupt This is really easy! Swirl together a squirt of dishwashing detergent (if you want foamy orange lava), ketchup, and enough water to achieve the desired thickness. When you are ready to start the eruption, add baking soda. Alternatively, you could mix together the baking soda, detergent, and water. Add the ketchup when youre ready for the eruption.The lava erupts slowly and steadily, rather than forcefully, so this is a nice volcano to make if you want a longer-lasting eruption. How the Volcano Works The ketchup contains vinegar, which is dilute acetic acid. The acetic acid reacts with the baking soda to produce carbon dioxide gas. The gas bubbles expand and rise through the liquid, bubbling out the ketchup.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Anywhere You Dare

When I saw anywhere dare candy perfume advertisement for the first time, I immediately understood its complete meaning. Interestingly, how do advertisers who saw this particular ad attract people to purchase their products? This ad is an example of the impact on our social marketing strategy. We tend to deny that sexual influence has become the mainstream market of our society, but if you read the daily magazine carefully, you will begin noticing the real scope of it . This ad pulled my attention when I viewed the magazine. My first belief in the intention of the marketer says, If you wear their products, you can be with anyone you want, regardless of the number of partners you want is. Of course, this is ridiculous for me, but it truly pulled my attention. It seems that condoms seem to mean multiple partners. Perfume is the focus of the entire advertisement. I will challenge you to dare wonderful things. Dream impossible dreams. Please make it stand out in the crowd. Please dare dif ferent way of thinking and unique. If you believe in me and you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream about it, you can do it. Whenever you get this most precious life gift, your mind, body and spirit must be digested with your dreams. Believe in your heart as it provides hope. Believe in your idea, it provides direction. Believe in your soul, it gives power. But the most important thing is to believe in yourself. Because you were always the answer. Open the door to someone who truly believes in dreams and self. Never forget that you are not alone in the mirror. You are more brave than you believe. It is more powerful than you see. Smarter than you think I dare to do this. You dare to try to advance your life. You try to do things yourself. When a coward is standing by the bystander, you dare to stand out, take a horrible measure to chat, ridiculously, and chatter to the Lord behind you. They will never talk in front of you.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Network Implementation Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Network Implementation - Coursework Example I propose the use of the security configuration wizard. This wizard will help in the disabling of unnecessary services. It also will provide advanced security support. This will be the windows firewall (Windows Server, n.d.). It is also advantageous because it can deploy group security policies. The printers in the office will be shared among the different workstations. Reason for this proposal is that with a shared printer, different printing rights and regulations can be set for the different workstations. The printing patterns of the different workstations can also be monitored. I plan to implement RAID. This is a technique of data storage. The data is saved at different locations. Usually, this is on several hard disks. The input, as well as output operations, work together in a balanced way. One advantage of using RAID is that it increases the fault tolerance of a network. This is the increase in the meantime that is between failures (MTBF). In this case, I propose the use of RAID 1. Reason for this is because it provides the best tolerance to a fault. It also is the best for environments with many users. To allow for quick migration in the business, I also propose to use Hyper-V. This will allow for business continuity (Microsoft Corporation, 2009). The technology is used as it will help improve the efficiency of the computing resources. With this technology, the server is more efficient. It is able to run several operating systems at the same time. I suggest the use of Hyper-V as there are different applications and software and that is best run from different operating systems. Thereby, it would be best if there were several of these in place ready to run simultaneously. To handle document handling and sharing, I propose the use of NAS (network attached storage). This computer will function to allow  for the sharing, storage as well as backing up of documents from any machine in the network. The technology will also allow for the syncing of data as it is updated across all the storage devices.